Written by Euan Burton (PRS/MCPS)
If nothing was to ever change, if we could all just stay the same
Would I mean something to you
If I could remain right here, lending you a loving ear
Would I mean something
Anything at all
Would I mean something, to you
If I could erase the past, take back the things for which you never asked,
Would you feel something at all
If I could have tried to see, the only thing you wanted from me
Was to be something to you
Would you feel something
Anything at all
Would you feel something at all
If I could find a way, to stop these demons leading me astray,
Could I be someone to you,
If nature is as nature does, could I do something for those I love
Something different,
could I go against my nature
Could I be someone
Anyone at all
Could I be someone to you
But sometime the only way, to be there is not to stay,
Let me mean something to you,
If every day that we go on, Is one more memory trod upon
One more fight that we’ll regret
Or a silence that we won’t forget
Let’s remember our last laugh
Keep one good photograph
Let me mean something
Anything at all
Let me mean something to you
Let me mean something to you